dah about 3 weeks kat sini.
i just came back from melbourne.
sejuk sejuk sejuk.
blerr la nk btul2 summer nieyh?
nk pki shorts.
dah tiga minggu.
shopping byk la gak.
i spend about 300$ already.
which is about RM750
glerr kan?
dah la only on shopping.
but dont worry.
not all my shopping goodies are tees, pants, bags, shoes, or any other clothing apparel
i also bought something else different.
i keep on waking up early.
sometimes i bothers me.
knape la x leyh bgn lmbt?
emi oh emi.
i wanna wake up the last one for a week.
is that possible.
aku ni cam robot.
dah cukup tdo trus xleyh tdo.
baru baru ni
i have been hearing to furniture alot
it means im not feeling that good.
i guess i miss home.
Friday, 12 December 2008
aussie days part 2
Tuesday, 18 November 2008
aussie days part 1
we reach here at aussie.
it was around 3 sumthin.
nuthin much to do if u reach that time coz shops close at 5 sumthin
after sending abg back to his frens hse.
we balik umah.
and den terpaksa kluar balik
to buy ayam and sum other groceries.
balik umah balik.
kul 7 is masak time!
well we masak ayam lemak pedas for dinner with kangkung belacan
and ajak a lot of people to come over.
after dinner we watch 3 movies!
glerr ah.
xmen3 , taken , susuk.
slept around 3 sumthin.
bgn kul 11.
rase cam lambat glerr sbb x pernah bgun kul 11.
time tuh malaysia kul 8.
so eisha kate ok la.
i mandi first skali.
and then i told erin what we shud do today.
so erin ajar kteorg naik bas arini.
so kena blajar name2 tmpt.
confusing glerr.
erin stays in kingsford
abg stays in new town.
tempat beli ayam smlm marubo
tmpt mkn tgh hari harini randwick.
nvm bout that.
to day we went to the city.
and mule2 igt x nk shop langsung.
last2 me and eisha each bought ourselves a top.
hers cost $5 and mine $10
and den erin brought us to max brenner chocolate shop.
it was like chocolate heaven.
but since im not a chocoholic.
i ordered the strawberry float.
erin ordered the italian thick chocolate(dark)
eisha ordered a sukao.
and we shared a waffle with strawberry n drizzled chocolate.
before we went to the city.
we went for lunch with Jams
i ordered honey sauce duck.
erin ordered red curry duck
eisha ordered crispy egg noodle with beef.
and jams ordered fresh ginger chicken.
to a fact that.
whatever i ordered, erin blum pernah rase.
baru balik naik bus.
im gonna go and watch tv!
painted by emyy ellias at 16:20 6 glitters
Labels: aussie, hidup, keseronokan, travel
Thursday, 13 November 2008
colour highlights
painted by emyy ellias at 18:11 2 glitters
Labels: hidup, kegemaran, keseronokan, travel
ah coo! sakitnye...
my tonsils are sickening me.
they hurt a lot.
nk ckp pown sakit.
smlm dah la tak leyh tdo tul.
hidung plak buat masalah.
penuh dgn hingus.
smpi skrg.
still ade hingus.
td bru abes tdo.
bgn2 g col mama.
lpas tuh.
kepala rasa sakit.
bukan pening tp sakit.
my throat hurts.
nk g mkn benjo lah .
painted by emyy ellias at 16:48 2 glitters
Labels: hidup
i love hardstyle!
painted by emyy ellias at 08:12 5 glitters
Labels: keseronokan, shuffle, tees
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
game of reading brisingr
ada org kate.
emy tulis blog dlm BM klakar.
ske hati la.
ni blog emy.
td aku audition cheer tok next year.
ok la.
tp ramai yg terpilih.
nk kena tapis lg.
aritu emy tman mama n a.odah g pavilion.
dah beli buku brisingr.
still odw of reading it.
bru page 5.
mahal ok.
papa said i shud take time reading it.
watse my time on the book then the arcade.
which now i happen to be addicted to.
bcoz of para2 dance n daytona n midnite.
painted by emyy ellias at 19:11 4 glitters
Monday, 10 November 2008
cikgu kata....
bru smpi sekolah.
mama kata nk jumpe pn jamilah.
which appears to be my PK akademik there.
cikgu kate results ok.
tp teras kena workout.
teras wooo!
tbe dpt tahu.
subject agama islam, emy dapat last placing in the batch.
which is if u refer to the post below.
aku dpat c5
and aku improve.
tu pown still terok!
mama g jumpe ustazah noriz lak
cuak ah!
ustazah kate results ok kn?
mmg ok.
tp agama camne?
ustazah suro plak bwk buku
g dok dpn kangaroo mse kt australia.
buat nota!
byk aku mengeluh.
tp cikgu ada harapan kat aku.
so aku pown mcm bersemangat skit.
mmg nk pulun la.
aku tau.
painted by emyy ellias at 17:09 2 glitters
Sunday, 9 November 2008
aahhh! markahku
resuls dah semua aku dpat
x sehebat mane pon.
pointer pown 3. 13
bm = b3<65>
bi = b3<68>
maths = a1<86>
add maths = d7<47>
physics = b4<64>
chemistry = b3<66>
biology = c6<52>
agama islam = c5<56>
sejarah = d7<49>
kedudukan dalam kelas = no.5
kedudukan dlm tingkatan = 68/167
semua skali 9 subject jerh.
tp aku improve la.
painted by emyy ellias at 16:00 3 glitters
Thursday, 6 November 2008
i still remember
I, I still remember
how you looked that afternoon.
There was only you.
You said "it's just like a full moon".
Blood beats faster in our veins
We left our trousers by the canal
And our fingers, they almost touched
You should have asked me for it
I would have been brave
You should have asked me for it
How could I say no?
And our love could have soared
Over playgrounds and rooftops
Every park bench screams your name
I kept your tie
I've gone wherever you wanted
I still remember
And on that teachers' training day
We wrote our names on every train
Laughed at the people off to work
So monochrome and so lukewarm
And I can see our days are becoming nights.
I could feel your heartbeat across the grass.
We should have run.
I would go with you anywhere.
I should have kissed you by the water
You should have asked me for it
I would have been brave
You should have asked me for it
How could I say no?
And our love could have soared
Over playgrounds and rooftops
Every park bench screams your name
I kept your tie
I would let you if you asked me
I still remember
*bloc party
painted by emyy ellias at 20:00 0 glitters
its called brit pop!
dearie shades of black
*i still remember bloc party
is it me or mmg org british nyanyi sedap glerr!
not just bloc party la.
try dgr band cam Gomez and Kasabian.
mmg sedap la.
dont worry bout me tertarik ngan brit jerh.
org melayu bands nyanyi sdap gak ok.
take oh chentaku for instance.
sdap ok.
boleh buat org cair!
painted by emyy ellias at 19:21 0 glitters
Monday, 3 November 2008
hari yg menarik!
dear biru
ade party batch.
mama bwk macroni bakar!
i had to perfom.
tarian goyang bontot korea.
wonder girls - nobody
wonder girls - so hot
big bang - lie (yg ni je ok)
glerr ah!
aku menarik buruk gleerrr.
dah la asyik luper step.
nnt korang bleyh view.
when i upload the video at youtube.
pnat2 lpas menari.
kena main guitar.
semput ah!
naseb baik x nyanyi.
laps tuh ade open hse.
mule cam mlas nk g.
den ade org kejut.
k.emira. 4R tunggu kat anjung seri.
ape lg.
ade org tunggu aku.
cpat la bgn.
diaorg ajak g skali.
and den g umah cikgu.
mknan nye spagetthi n mee udang.
mee udang nmpk berselera.
sedap glerr sebenarnye.
aku mmg ske la.
x pernah tau aku mkn mee sbb aku ske.
slalunye sbb terpaksa.
sbb aku bukannye gemar sgt mkn mee.
dgn bawang goreng yg byk skali.
mmg lazat glerr la mee tuh!
balik dorm
g sidai baju.
lpas sidai g mandi jap
pastu bce eclipse.
g dm.
ain bwk food!
tp skit.
tgktgk mknannye pelik.
kaler pun x menarik.
den ain bg rase.
sedap glerr
name makanan tuh
klu dah bce ni.
try la msak mcm ni kt umah.
ne tau mama nye lg sdp ke!
painted by emyy ellias at 16:39 2 glitters
Labels: frens, hidup, keseronokan, sekolah
Saturday, 1 November 2008
comin to eclipse
i finished it!
i finish reading the book!
i was readin the 2nd book of the twilight series.
oh yeah!
and now i finish reading it!
painted by emyy ellias at 19:26 0 glitters
Labels: kegemaran
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
exam punye pasal!
oh kelabu
sunday after prep.
tbe2 bercadang untuk x tdo.
nk study chem.
i think i'll be hard!
so mmg x tdo.
kerja dok kejut org yg cbe melawan ngantok
tp aku x ngantok
amik paper chem.
susah la gak
tp ape yg bace byk masuk.
tdo petang satu jam jerh.
kpala pening aje.
dah muntah dua kali .
arini ada paper sejarah dan bio paper 3.
smlm, mule ade plan tok xnk tdo.
tp tbe2 rse badan x cukup kuat tok stay up.
so by 2 sumthin.
my eyes are closed.
woke up around 4.40.
bace sejeq lg.
den 5 sumthin tdo balik.
bgn kul 6.
dan smpi skrg kul 5.40 ptg.
x lelap mata.
tp ada rasa ngantok ajerh!
mayb mlm ni stay up jgak.
tp x lama
sbb esok maths jerh!
p/s : cbe kire brape lamaku tdo?
painted by emyy ellias at 17:33 2 glitters
Saturday, 18 October 2008
pening and dried eyes
dear green.
aku pening kepala.
maybe its because of the tdo yg terlebih!
dah la rasa pnat ajerh.
tried to sleep.
sbb pnat sgt.
tp x leyh.
den mate rse kering glerr!
i fell lyk wearing my glasses the whole day tommorrrow.
tp xleyh sbb nnt ade possibilty untuk menjadi ngantok!
mcm mane nk score sejarah ah?
p/s: i updated my music blog.
and thnks for the comment eisha!
painted by emyy ellias at 19:39 0 glitters
Thursday, 16 October 2008
If your right hand is causing you pain
Cut it off, cut it off
If your colours have started to run
Let them all run, run away from you
There is lightning in this room
Above our heads, waiting to strike
I'm a thinker not a talker
Put all your faith, your faith in God
We were hoping for some romance
All we found was more despair
We must talk about our problems
We are in a state of flux
I'd kill for an adventure
Just you and I, at the Curzon Bar
Dancing till we knew
So all that we've learnt disappears
When you shouted at me
I saw my father in the second grade
Concerned and kind
Yet unable to reach me
We were hoping for some romance
All we found was more despair
Me must talk about our problems
We are in a state of flux
State of flux
We need to talk!
-bloc party-
painted by emyy ellias at 20:29 0 glitters
Labels: music
Tuesday, 14 October 2008
i want a horse!
dear pink!
since tommorrow's paper is BI
on the 3rd of raya.
my family and cousins' families went to P. dickson
on the 4th raya.
we went to the ostrich farm.
all the ostrichs look unwell.
but that's not the point here.
there was other animal to be held and riden.
one of them was the horse.
so i ask mama.
can i ride the horse by myself?
and she told the rider.
he was a one handed man.
so i got on the horse.
gave it a kick and off i go.
and after one round
the man gave a second round for free.
and this time i managed to make the horse cantor!
pretty cool huh!
lepas geram habis.
lepas rindu glerr.
eversince that.
i want to ride the horse again.
nk kuda.
teringat kembali pd zaman dahulu.
semasa menungang kuda.
byk kali sudahku jatuh apabila menunggangnya.
tetapi ku masih mahu menunggang kuda.
when i will be my next ride by myself?
painted by emyy ellias at 16:12 0 glitters
Tuesday, 23 September 2008
fall for you.
dear putih!
lagu itu amat la bez!
it's by secondhand serenade.
cant wait to go to aussie!
travel and shop with style!
oooh tgk pic ini!
comeyl x?
painted by emyy ellias at 16:44 4 glitters
Labels: music
Thursday, 4 September 2008
i screwed 69% of my teenage life
[ ] made out with someone before dating
[x] gotten a phone taken away in class
[ ] gotten suspended
[ ] gotten caught chewing gum
[ ] gotten caught cheating on a test
Total so far: 1
[x] arrived late to class more than 5 times
[x] didn't do homework over 5 times
[ ] turned at least 3 projects in late
[ ]missed school just because you felt like it
[x] laughed so loud you got kicked out of class
Total so far: 4
[x] got your mum, dad, etc to get you out of school
[x] text people during class
[x] passed notes
[x] threw stuff across the room
[x] laughed at the teacher
Total so far: 9
[x] took pictures during school hours
[x] called someone during school hours
[x] listened to iPod, CD, etc during school hours
Total So Far: 12
[ ] threw something at the teacher
[x] went outside the classroom without permission
[x] broke the dress code
[x] failed a class
[x] ate food during class
Total So Far: 16
[x] gotten a call/letter from school
[x] couldn't go on a field trip or dance cause you behaved badly
[x] didn't take your stuff to school
[ ] given a teacher the finger when they weren't looking
[x] swore during class/school
total so far: 20
[x] faked your parents signature
[x] slept in class
[ ] swore at your teacher
[x] copied homework
[ ] had sex after school
total So Far: 23
Multiply by 3
post as "i screwed __% of my teenage life"
painted by emyy ellias at 14:55 0 glitters
Wednesday, 3 September 2008
camera baru!!!
painted by emyy ellias at 15:03 1 glitters
Labels: camera, family, hidup, keseronokan
Thursday, 28 August 2008
Tuesday, 12 August 2008
token teater
dear orange!
smlm sudah benggang tahap ke ceiling.
tbe2 saje peraturan ditukar.
aku terpaksa berlakon.
memang benggang glerr la.
dah fight pown ade org nk bantah!
smpi cikgu pown ckp bodoh!
mlm pulak.
prefect buat hal.
xnk bg kteorg gune reck room.
mmg benggang glerr la.
x dpt stay up.
pkir positif skit.
esok pg.
bangun awal.
practice last time.
pagi ni.
smua rushing.
smua bangun lambat.
nasib la apa nk jadi pown.
waktu di shah alam.
glerr ah!
bru practice sehari nk belakon.
im not a born actress.
kuat kan semngat jugak.
9. 40 pagi.
terpandang belakang.
tbe2 nmpk pakcik plaster.
tersenyum lebar bibirku.
morning tea break.
ku sempat berjumpa dgn pakcik plaster.
dia mengucap gud luck!
sesungguhnya aku amat menyukai perkara itu.
lakonan dijalankan
ada slack skit la.
flow kami tak brapa btul.
tapi kami memenangi lawak.
kerana teater lain sgtlah serius.
slps lakonan.
bersihkan muka.
berjumpa lg dgn pakcik plaster.
kami berborak sebentar.
dia tertawa melihat ku berlakon.
katanya dia x sangka aku bolah berbuat begitu.
aku juga sebenarnya x sangka dia dtg.
slps mkn tgh hari.
keputusan diumumkan.
kami kalah.
nk buat mcm mana.
biarkan ajalah
smasa mengangkat props dan kostum.
ada aje org yg menyindir.
katanya begini.
dah kalah dah! fras ah. nk balik dah la ni.
eeee geram sungguh di hati
selepas mengangkat smua kostum dan props turun.
pergi berjalan di dalam muzium alam shah.
semasa hendak menaiki bus.
pakcik plaster telah menolong kami mengangkat blok kayu.
tetapi dia dikatakan lembik!
kerana minab mengangkat blok tersebut dgn satu tgn.
tetapi dia mengangkat dgn dua tgn.
lucu! mmg lucu.
painted by emyy ellias at 16:16 0 glitters
Labels: hidup, kemarahan, keseronokan, sekolah
Tuesday, 5 August 2008
recording lg?
dear green
im recording
we are working out on a few of srtist songs
and we are also on our way to make our own song.
im playing the guitar.
and we play any song.
but we turn it to acoustic.
songs we'll be recording:
year 3000
bring me to life
my immortal
the day u went away
when ure gone
misery business
going under
over you
dat's a lot right
wish us luck.
i might be posting the video on youtube soon!
doa doa lah!
painted by emyy ellias at 16:22 1 glitters
Labels: frens, hidup, keseronokan, music
Monday, 4 August 2008
wah! lamenye
dear cream.
its been long since i last post somthing on the blog.
i've been busy.
i will post soon.
too much things to do.
skrg nie byk pnat woo!
painted by emyy ellias at 16:27 1 glitters
Labels: hidup
Tuesday, 15 July 2008
aku berjaya
dear yellow!
aku berjaya.
aku tlah apply for pengawas pusat sumber!
moga2 kali ini interview ku berjaya juagk!
painted by emyy ellias at 19:28 0 glitters
Labels: hidup, keseronokan
what happens then
dear yellow!
aku berjaya.
aku tlah apply for pengawas pusat sumber!
moga2 kali ini interview ku berjaya jugak!
painted by emyy ellias at 19:28 5 glitters
Labels: hidup, keseronokan
Monday, 14 July 2008
found a way
dear shocking pink!
guess guess guess.
i'm gonna take my chances to apply for pengawas psat sumber plak!
wish me luck!
painted by emyy ellias at 19:53 0 glitters
Labels: hidup, keseronokan
another failure of pm
dear sky blue,
and so ya.
i failed again.
fail to give mama what i shud.
i fail becoming a prefect.
wht's on my head is
how shud i repay mama back to get my apology for all the things i have done wrong?
when will i ever suceed again?
do i just keep on failing?!
im not that sad
but this is all bcoz i had my mind prepared.
xoxo peace
painted by emyy ellias at 16:42 2 glitters
Labels: hidup
Sunday, 6 July 2008
me and eniza are making a clothing label!
check us out!
painted by emyy ellias at 13:53 0 glitters
Labels: hidup, keseronokan
Thursday, 3 July 2008
bahasa ku yg rosak!
currently listening to : komplot - bilik rahsia
dear pink!
i want to try someting different today.
i want to write in malay.
eventhough i know i suck!
so enjoy!
malam ni ade interview!
doakan la yerh!
skrg tgh kt depan comp.
bru abesh jumpe byk glerr band malaysia yg baru bgku dan lagu2 nya menarik!
kid 'n' Xera
the bourjuis
the o.d
tp ade satu band ni.
aku bru try dgr music dia.
julie goes overseas.
5th july ni ade gig.
tpaku balik umah tok g tuition.
byk lg nk blajar tok addmaths!
td g picc.
jumpe afi!!!!!
best glerr borak ngan dia.
smpi kteorg set tuition sme2!
lpas nie cam nk bwk guitar g skool la.
sbgi pelepas tense.
painted by emyy ellias at 20:42 2 glitters
Labels: hidup, keseronokan
Wednesday, 2 July 2008
i found out this really cool dance
check it out!
it's called techtonik.




the moves are really fast.
trying to work on it.
i still look cacat-ed!
painted by emyy ellias at 16:30 0 glitters
Labels: keseronokan
Tuesday, 24 June 2008
failed to stun!
dear pink!
i had a fall yesterday.
i did a stun and i fell on my head and shoulders.
not knowing which one landed first.
but my arm hurts
especially at the shoulder blade part.
my head doesnt hurt much.
just a benjol!
but my arm.
im worried.
im scared that it might b a fracture.
painted by emyy ellias at 21:28 1 glitters
Labels: hidup
oh no! confusion!
i say germany and spain will be in the finals of euro2008
germany with all my favourite european players
spain with the arsenals.
but who do i support?
painted by emyy ellias at 15:59 7 glitters
Labels: hidup
Saturday, 21 June 2008
the birthday
dear waves of blue,
this is the story.
mind : not more than 8 people will wish me.im sure of that.budak2 dorm pown cam dah lupe. sumer tido jerh. dah la bru kena marah ngan nayzu.
19th june
yana came first.
emy : awal glerr ko dtg.
yana : nk jadi org first ahh!
iylia,tim and farah najwa came.
iylia : aku nk first dulu.
both of them tried to grab my right hand.
yana : ahhh!
iylia : ok. ko sebelah aku sblh.
yana : hah! ok!lg brape minit nieyh?
emy : 5 minit kowt.
tim tolak2 iylia.
sumer nk first.
tbe satu dorm dtg.
oh! pura2 tido sbnrnye!
nina, faz pown turun.
everyone : happy bday to u 2x. happy bday to k .emira. happy bday to you.
salam ngan form 4 dulu.
den bru salam from one.
meriah glerr ah!
x sangka ramai wish.
iylia bg first present:: sekotak air teh kundur!!
yana and tim bg first note.
k.afiqah dtg.
emy : eyh! u igt! bestnye!!!!
k.afiqah : nk check dorm jap.haha. tipu jerh. happy bday emy.
iman lalu.
iman : emy!! happy bday!
dill, faE , merra n qhem pown dtg.
emy: mane tau my bday is today?
dill : aku yg ckp kat diaorg.
nayzu salam emy.
nayzu : happy bday emy.
emy : thnks
20th june : the DAY!!
g breakfast.
biasa la .
the brothers makan ramai2.
fatin : happy bday emy!
emy : thnks! ko tau x ko sorang je dr the numbers yg x dtg smlm.
fatin : aku kantoi ngan prefect ah. siap melawan lg.
dia continue citer.
kt assembly.
kp : murid duduk.
bonda nk berckp.
bonda : assalam.... knape happy sgt nieyh? ade bday org ke?
kwn2 : aderh!
bonda : selamat hari lahir la klu ade.
kwn :fu yoo! bonda wish dowh!
emy : aku rase aku sorang je dlm skola nieyh bday 20 jun.
kwn2 lain yg terdgr : emy!! happy bday!
lepas assembly.
kwn2 : 3,4. happpy bday to you!
they sang.
smpi tgh hari.
klu ade lalu org
sure ade yg wish.
gi outing ngan mama
ade theraphy.
masuk kerata.
mama : happy bday!
at theraphy.
mama: today is her bday!
evryone at theraphy : owh! happy bday!
amy : x buat sweet16 kerh?
emy : bwat kowt.haha!
after tuition.
mama came in.
mama : today is her bday.
mrs. lim : happy bday to you.
reach home.
at last.
got lots to do.
remix and burn
papa : halo bday girl!
azimah was there.
a-Z : owh ya! happy bday emira!
then came a present.
2nd present of the day!
7.00 mlm
eisha is back
eisha : chacik nh! bace la i buat.
she gave me a card.
we went for dinner at TGI fridays since it was friday.
splendid dinner.
loved it!!
u know what happens at tgiF.
especially when u get a sugar rush!
balik umah.
cpat2!kena siapkan remix.
kena buat sume la!!!
benda2 talent nite!
erin ade call gak!
bertolak gi skolah.
kek sumer dah siap.
pizza pown aderh.
bru smpi skool.
camner nk celebrate?
bg2 je la!
kt dorm
emy : korang jom mkn kek and pizza!
sumer dtg.
sblm mkn pizza.
they sang for me again.
sweet kan?
21st june
bukak my space.
tgk comments!
liyana (u. mat) :heyy. hepy bufday.
hazim Z :Happy Birthday boss ;)
syazzzzz : hey sis! happy birthday :D whoaa da 16 oh.
pegi pegi mkn kek byk byk ! :)
azimah form 3 : eyt!!!
epy burfday!!
shweet 16th!!!
may God bless u!!!
btw.. ur dance tyme campaign vry rythamatic!!!
i vry njoy ur campaign!!!
keep it up!!
hope u'll b next leader!!!
yaya : happy bdayyy (:
tim : hepi burfday fourth !!
cayunk anda sesgt ..
eceh tetibe plak
hot 16 keyh ;p
ope : happy birthday emira!!
sweet 16!!
i wrote something in my blog..
sarah amer :emy kuu.
happy 16th hun, hope you had a good one ! (:
warith : happy birthday to uuu..;D
bukak facebook pulak lah!!
abang : happy b'day mira!!! i nk call but tak tau nk call no. saper... nk hantar kad time exam.. b'day i pun tk celebrate lagi.. sorry.. wishing you happy b'day!!!
azureen : happy birthday ;)
kak su adli : Happy B'day dear...:)
ope : happy birthday emy...=)
didnt think of a birthday without a party is better.
maybe u shud try!
thnks to all.
for making my bday a nice one.
luv all of u.
painted by emyy ellias at 09:23 1 glitters
Labels: hidup, keseronokan
Tuesday, 10 June 2008
bad girl VS good girl : part 1
dear black glitters!
im now in the center of the world.
where i decide to b a bad girl or a good girl.
and yes.
im trying really hard to be one of the goodies!
but 2day.
i doubt that.
i wonder why being a good girl is soo hard.
lets check my list.
- good grades (x)
- obey rules (o)
- solat full (o)
- homework siap sendiri (0)
- everything organised(x)
now u see.
i think bad girl wins this time.
painted by emyy ellias at 19:44 1 glitters
Monday, 9 June 2008
weeks to becoming a prefect: part 1
dear ORange!
oh my!school is back.
gotta work my ass off.
things to ......
- a prefect
- debate
- good grades?
- pass jepun!!
- talent nite! oh yeah!
finished my pmc poster yesterday.
next week is the kempen !
i have to convince people to vote for me
you people will have to vote for me too!
i feel lyk ive been eating a lot lately.
but yesterday.
someone just called me thin
and today.
someone said i look tembam.
which is which?
currently addicted song:: aku bagaikan seekor kuman - sam fc
painted by emyy ellias at 21:15 0 glitters
Wednesday, 28 May 2008
Wednesday, 21 May 2008
before Piala Perdana Menteri Debate
dear glittery red,
soon i will be going to PPM already.
i will be a reserve in the debate team.
everything is ready except for the blazer.
camner ah nk carik?
well, the thing is that am i prepare for this?
i dont think soo.
i'll just have to face thru it then.
but we need to win this.
we have to be in the finals of PPM
we have to be on stage at PICC
all bcoz we need attention from the school about how big debate is!
wish me luck!
p/s: i wont be posting for a while. please be patient. i'll be in kedah for the PPM until the 27th. and when im back, i'll try to post more!
painted by emyy ellias at 09:26 1 glitters
Tuesday, 20 May 2008
Selamat Hari Guru SSP
painted by emyy ellias at 20:11 2 glitters
Labels: hidup, keseronokan, sekolah
Sunday, 18 May 2008
spot cek!!!!~x de pape ah
painted by emyy ellias at 20:17 5 glitters
Labels: hidup, keseronokan, sekolah
Thursday, 15 May 2008
cela (by a band from subang!)
Pena menari
Tinta berdarah
Rabak mata ku
Pena menari-nari
Tinta berdarah
Kata membara-bara
*Masanya ku bernafas
Ini terakhir kali
Puas sudah ku sesak
Dalam dunia sempit
Dulu tersungkur
Kini berdiri
Kau bermain api
Kini ku bakari
Dulu menunduk
Kini ku celik
Kau bermain api
Engkau mahu sempurna
Engkau jadi sempurna
Biar aku bahagia dengan cela ku
Engkau mahu malaikat
Turun dari kayangan
Biar aku bahagia dengan cela ku
Tidak engkau cermin saja
Diri mu yang sempurna, mempesona
Ku bahagia dengan cela
Tidak kau bercinta saja
Dengan diri mu yang sempurna, mempesona
Ku bahagia dengan cela
(Repeat *)
(Repeat chorus)
Siapa yang mampu mencapai mahu mu
Bilamana kau juga seorang manusia?
Siapa yang mampu mencapai mahu mu
Bilamana kau juga seorang manusia?
painted by emyy ellias at 14:15 2 glitters
exam's over! oh noooo~
dear bright yellow orange!
exam's over.
but there is still lots more things to worry of!
my speeches are almost done.
just need examples.
den im done!
and dikir for form 1
mcm mane mau buat ini ah?
still trying to figure out the steps.
and yea.
performance form 4 plak!
it's so hard to create sumthin that's different in this school.
hope they can accept it well.
today is cj's bday!
happy birthday!
painted by emyy ellias at 13:55 6 glitters
Wednesday, 14 May 2008
Tuesday, 13 May 2008
byk sungguh benda hidup!
dear dark purple,
this weekend.
is a very bz weekend.
- teacher's day dikir
- smart study talk
- audc
- prep for ppm
painted by emyy ellias at 19:49 0 glitters
owh this is what i found!!
- kiri
- stonebay(m'sia band)
- rumah sakit
- Cancer Conspiracy
- noisette
- shizuka
- analogsix(m'sia band)
- muck(m'sian)
- toyzopera(m'sian)
- superman is dead
- nofx
- boneca(m'sia)
boneca is the best for me.
try listen to cela by boneca
especially to girls and my abang eiman!
painted by emyy ellias at 14:48 0 glitters
Labels: music
kecemburuan melanda.

awal ashari from impak maksima!
fahrin ahmad
manage to get pics this close with a celebrity.
u noe how i feel.
painted by emyy ellias at 14:32 0 glitters
Monday, 12 May 2008
comeyl kan rambut dier!
painted by emyy ellias at 14:06 9 glitters
Labels: frens, hidup, keseronokan
gossip hodoh
dear apple green,
there are sumthings in life which i dont really understand.
are my frens and i that bad?
and why cant anyone just shut their mouth and not talk bad bout anyone?
and yeah.
if youre reading the above u would say 'mcm ko x bwat jerh!'
the post on hipokrasi lunatik wasnt bout me bitching bout her.
i didnt bitch bout her.
yg lain jgn masuk campur ah!
this is what i go thru in life.
and this blog goes on so that i can refer to whatever in the past.
stop saying that we do blogs just to bitch bout poeple.
youre only making us popular at the same time hates us.
and does it feel good to do that?
i dont think soo.
relax and think back
if ali isnt close to abu
and then ahmad comes talking bad bout abu to ali.
of course ali would be thinking bad bout abu.
even if ali has a choice to hate that person or not.
ali would still have a pandangan serong torwards abu.
and again
the post on hipokrasi lunatik wasnt a gossip.
its a true story that i went thru.
and u guys make gossip
and it all comes back to me.
and tbe2 my frens also get it.
what r u guys trying to do?
luckily my frens dont blame anyone.
bcoz im not to be blame.
sumer tulis ape yg mereka lalui dlm hidup.
dan ini yg kita dapati.
im not rying to be mad or angry at anyone specific
but these are the things that's happening in my life
and those who are getting it the wrong way.
i really hope u dont anymore.
the reason u do is because u have this pandangan serong.
i know because i went thru it.
and yes!
i agree
there is hatred in this world.
but if u hate this person
i dont think u have to talk bad bout her.
that way, nothing will come up.
and u can still hate her and be frens with her.
hate this person and dont be frens with her.
bcoz when u found out ur fren has been talking bad bout u.
it really hurts.
especaially when it's just juicy gossips.
to think of it.
im tired of this.
dah abes dah la.
penat layan all this hatred world.
why can we just be like the 70's
painted by emyy ellias at 13:33 0 glitters
Saturday, 10 May 2008
org hidup ini.
dearie yellow!
right now.
i've been thinking a lot bout appreciation.
a sudden question appeared.
why is it so important?
to think back.
i ask myself.
why do i like to be appreciated.
and that person just doesnt take care of it.
i would be hurt.
bcoz i gave sumthin.
anything has to be precious.
therefore, it has to be apprrecaited.
i wanna write bout important people in my life
people that will be hard for me to live without em'
is mama and papa,

they have been very suppostive to me.
ups and downs.
they are just always there.
eventhough i always hurt em'
i still love em'
then comes my big sis!
she has been a good supporter.
i'm known to be pelik to her.
miss'd ya anyways.
also a good person to tell girly probs!
cpat balik sini and conqeur the kelissa.
so that i can get a new car!

his the only brother i've got.
that's what makes him soo special.
we've got loads of interest that really brings us 2 gether
nnt i g aussie make sure bwk i g meet ups tau!
i mite lwn org!
next come my one and only best fren and sis:

and i think she is the only person that doesnt mind what i wanna do
that's what makes me love her more!
we always argue and then people will say
"ah gado! gado la lg! "
anyway , nnt after i finish skool i bwk u kluar.
kte g gig byk2!

together we make a family. one big happy family!
den i have my frens :



sowie to subang frens.
i dont have pics with u guys here at skool.
though that.
frens are my frens.
together we stand!
***actually, there is one more person who is special to me. but i wont be able to write bout that person in my blog coz it might be a controvertion. bcoz i lost contact with that person. and if u are reading it of course u noe who u r. im trying my best here. thank you for everything.
painted by emyy ellias at 19:32 11 glitters